Visions du Réel 2020 - Videos and Press
Peter’s atelier and retrospective at Visions du Réel 2020 was a great success. The festival’s decision to move its programming online due to COVID-19 allowed its reach to be radically expanded, with audiences numbering in the thousands viewing thirteen of Peter’s feature-length and short films via Doc Alliance Films for the entirety of the festival’s duration.
Peter’s masterclass with Jean Perret and Emmanuel Chicon was also broadcast online to a large and engaged live streaming audience. In case you missed it, or want to revisit it, you can view it on Youtube:
Some select reviews of Peter’s work around #VdR2020:
“Journaux Cosmogoniques,” Bernard Tappolet, Le Courrier, April 17, 2020.
“Des regards sur le monde,” Bernard Tappolet, Gauchebdo, April 17, 2020.
“Peter Mettler: Explorer les zones d’ombre,” Adrien Kuenzy, 24 Heures, April 30, 2020.
“Visions du Réel: Peter Mettler Masterclass,” Nick Cunningham, Business Doc Europe, May 8, 2020.
Peter also did a second video interview with Kristyna Balaban of DAFilms, which is available to stream on Facebook here.