Posts tagged Becoming Animal
Upcoming events for Fall 2020

We are pleased to announce the following upcoming screenings for Fall 2020:

Picture of Light is included in Andreas Züst: Eis, an exhibition at Kunstmuseum Luzern, Switzerland, from August 22 to November 22. View exhibition details here.

Gambling, Gods and LSD will be presented at Betriebsleiter Kino Cinématte in Bern, Switzerland, on September 11th. Screening details are listed here.

Becoming Animal will be presented at Cinematik Festival in Bratislava, Slovakia, on September 13th. Screening details are available here.

The End of Time will be presented online through Imagine Science Film Festival’s Labocine platform on September 16th, with a live Q&A by Peter. Screening details are listed here.

Scissere will be presented at the Nova Cinema in Brussels on September 20th and October 10th. Screening details are available here.

Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands will be presented at Zürich Film Festival as part of a live performance by The Young Gods, on Wednesday, September 30th, 20:45, Kosmos 6. More information TBA soon.

Picture of Light will be presented at Cineteca Madrid on October 10th. Screening details are available here.

Becoming Animal will be presented at the 18th edition of Festival Image de Ville in Marseille, France, from October 15-20th. Screening details TBA soon here.

Petropolis will be presented as part of a special program on climate entitled “Gallery of the Futures,” at BOZAR - Center of Fine Arts, Brussels, on November 24th. More details TBA soon.

Also, Becoming Animal is now available on Vimeo On Demand (worldwide, except USA) courtesy of Maximage. Share it with your friends!

Becoming Animal at Pixxelpoint International Festival of Contemporary Art, Slovenia

Becoming Animal will be presented at Pixxelpoint 20th International Festival of Contemporary Art Practices, in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, on November 16, 2019. The theme of the festival is “Checked Reality. The Work at the Interface Continues,” and includes a symposium and workshops on intersections between art, science, and technology.

For more information, visit the festival’s website here.

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Becoming Animal at Hot Docs Cinema, Toronto

Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema, 506 Bloor St. W., Toronto

ONE SCREENING ONLY! Saturday, October 5th - 9:00pm

Journey into the natural world in a way you never have before in this unforgettable big screen sensory experience. Acclaimed filmmakers Peter Mettler (Gambling, Gods and LSD) and Emma Davie (I Am Breathing) team up with ecological philosopher David Abram for a wholly immersive audio-visual quest through the intricate wildlife of the Grand Teton National Park. Through state-of-the-art camera techniques and mesmerizing shots of landscapes, plants, insects, and animals, Becoming Animal shifts our perspective of the world around us and its inextricably interconnected parts. Think Planet Earth, but in hyper-drive.

Co-director Peter Mettler will be present for a live post-screening Q&A.

For screening details and to purchase tickets, visit the Hot Docs Cinema website.

Watch the trailer for Becoming Animal here.

Becoming Animal theatrical release in Germany!

Becoming Animal is released in theaters in Germany with GM Films this August and September!



ab 29.08.2019 im Thalia, Obstmarkt 5


ab 29.08.2019 im fsk, Segitzdamm 2
ab 29.08.2019 in Tilsiter-Lichtspiele, Richard-Sorge-Straße 25a
ab 30.08.2019 im city kino wedding, Müllerstraße 74


ab 29.08.2019 im Cinema im Ostertor, Ostertorsteinweg 105


ab 29.08.2019 im sweetSixteen-kino im Depot, Immermannstraße 29

Frankfurt am Main

ab 29.08.2019 im Kino Mal seh'n, Adlerflychtstraße 6


ab 29.08.2019 im Kino im Künstlerhaus, Sophienstraße 2


ab 29.08.2019 im Union, Josef-Ponschab-Straße 1


ab 23.08.2019 in der pumpe, Haßstraße 22


ab 29.08.2019 im Luru Kino in der Spinnerei, Spinnereistraße 7


ab 29.08.2019 im Werkstattkino, Fraunhoferstraße 9


ab 29.08.2019 im Cinecittà, Gewerbemuseumsplatz 3


ab 29.08.2019 im Thalia, Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 50


ab 29.08.2019 im Cinema, Königstraße 22

BECOMING ANIMAL ist ein wunderbares KINOerlebnis und hat eine schöne Nebenwirkung: es bleibt lange in den Sinnen! Wir freuen uns, wenn Ihr Euch Zeit dafür nehmt!

Davon handelt der Film:

Sein Geweih ist majestätisch, sein Blick durchdringend. So steht er da und sieht uns an, der Elch, mitten im Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, der seine Heimat ist. Es ist eine Welt, in der die Lebewesen, die sie auf unendliche Weise bereichern, den Vortritt haben und in die wir uns behutsam einfühlen – mal aus der Vogelperspektive, dann wieder ganz nah, unmittelbar mit den Sinnen erfassend, wie die Schnecke, die ihre Fühler tastend in die Umgebung streckt. Denn nur so, heisst es in dem Essayfilm von Emma Davie (I am Breathing) und Peter Mettler (End of Time), lassen sich Beziehungen herstellen zwischen dem, was wir sind, und dem, was uns umschliesst: Mensch und Tier, Raum und Zeit, Körper und Intuitionen. Gemeinsam mit dem Philosophen und radikalen Denker David Abram begeben sich die schottische Dokumentarfilmerin und ihr kanadisch-Schweizer Kollege auf eine faszinierend sensorische Entdeckungsreise in die Natur, um den Zuschauer anhand von Beobachtungen und Reflexionen zurückzuführen an einen Punkt, der die Abhängigkeit und Rückwirkung zwischen menschlichen und animalischen Kräften erneut greifbar macht. Auf Tuchfühlung mit Büffeln, Raben, heissen Quellen und rauschenden Wäldern kommen sie dabei zu erstaunlichen Einsichten und Ansichten über das Hier und Jetzt und dessen viele Vorgeschichten.

Becoming Animal at Harvard with David Abram

Cambridge, MA

Harvard University’s Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts presents a screening of Becoming Animal, followed by an open conversation, “Between the Human Animal and the Animate Earth,” with David Abram and Lucien Castaing-Taylor (Director of Harvard’s Sensory Ethnography Lab).

For more information, visit

From Harvard’s website: “David Abram – cultural ecologist and geophilosopher – is the author of Becoming Animal: An Earthly Cosmology, and of The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World. Described as ‘daring’ and ‘truly original’ by Science, and as “revolutionary” by the Los Angeles Times Dr. Abram’s work has helped catalyze the emergence of several new disciplines, including the burgeoning field of ecopsychology. A close student of the traditional ecological knowledge of diverse indigenous peoples, David was the first contemporary philosopher to advocate for a reappraisal of “animism” as a complexly nuanced and uniquely viable worldview. He has been the recipient of numerous awards, and recently held the international Arne Naess Chair in Global Justice and the Environment in Norway. Dr. Abram is creative director of the Alliance for Wild Ethics (AWE), an organization dedicated to cultural metamorphosis through a rejuvenation of place-based oral culture–the culture of face-to-face and face-to-place storytelling. He lives with his family in the foothills of the southern Rockies.”

Swiss-French premiere of Becoming Animal

Outside The Box presents the Swiss-French premiere of Becoming Animal, with Peter Mettler in person!


16 March - 19h00 – Lausanne – CityClub Pully – followed by a DJ set by Vincent Hänni and projection of Gambling, Gods and LSD
17 March - 20h00 – Neuchâtel – Minimum
18 March - 20h00 – Cinéma d’Oron
20 March - 20h30 – Genève – Cinélux
21 March - 20h00 – Delémont – La Grange
22 March - 20h30 – Sainte-Croix – Royal

For more information, visit Outside The Box’s website, or the official Becoming Animal website.

Becoming Animal at Göteborg Film Festival 2019

Göteborg, Sweden

Becoming Animal screens at the 41st Göteborg Film Festival, the largest film festival in Nordic Europe, with three screenings this January. Peter will be in attendance on the 30th and 31st! Visit the festival’s website for tickets and more information.

"Becoming Animal challenges our world of thought in an attempt to bridge the mental barrier between man and environment. Is it possible to experience a perspective where man is not in the center, but where we meet animals and nature around us at the same level? What role do language and modern technology play in such an attempt? [...] Perhaps a radical transformation of our perception is what is needed if the current destructive development is to be heeded?" - Tobias Åkesson